Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Writing work

Finally a paid writer! Albeit writing training video scripts, however it's a good start and there's over a 100 of them. In the meantime I have to do the day job to get pay the mortgage and the other bills.

My film noir script 'Corruption of Innocence' needs a rewrite based on notes received. Hot high concept and the dialogue is a little 'on the nose', so this needs to be looked at.

The current script is high concept and I've mapped out the rest of the script but only Act 1 written so far. The video script job has put my main writing projects on hold for the moment. But, a good problem to have and it could lead to other things whilst also hopefully expanding my skillset.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


11 days straight of high 30's and 40's temperatures. Worse in the West and North-West. Wouldn't be so bad if there were some clearing storms or cool winds. High temps 24 hrs per day are very draining. Very tired of this. Even the inside floorboards are hot!

Hottest Feb day in Sydney for 85 years and hottest day for 5 years. How much more can we take?

Monday, January 31, 2011

George Bernard Shaw quotation

"You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" " GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

The Unreasonable Man Quote

The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW (with thanks to Ian Yorston)

George Bernard Shaw quotation

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot chnage anything. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reserve Bank - you need a reality check

I cannot believe the Reserve Bank is still suggesting that interest rates will need to be increased soon (based on food prices going up) to push down possible inflation.

As if the farmers haven't had enough already 10 yrs of drought and the 1st opportunity for good crops - washed away. And of course there would be another group of people losing their homes when the banks double the increase again. These Reserve Bank people are not living in the real world - and they need to be!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Post Holidays - back to reality

Got back from a mostly relaxing break on the not so sunny Gold Coast. Queensland - raining beautifully one day, a perfect storm the next!

Went to look for the hose to wash the car in the front yard and it's gone. Yes, it's been stolen. Honestly people, who is so miserable as to steal a hose. Arseholes! That tops the previous low act a couple of years ago when some bastard is seen casually walking into our yard, bends over the tap, is thought to be filling up a water bottle, and later it's realised he has cut the nozzle off the hose and stolen it!

Stop fucking stealing stuff!