Thursday, December 23, 2010


I like the iPad, I really do, the size is very handy. However, isn't it really just an overgrown iPhone without the phone or camera. I'd like to see more of an overlapping of features with a laptop. Eg opening more than 1 window at a time, a camera would be useful, the ability to easily store and retrieve documents, and a USB port. I know you can do a lot of synching with you laptop, however this falls down when your laptop isn't around or doesn't have Internet access.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Off on Holidays for 3 weeks on the Gold Coast! I don't like humid heat however there is always aircon and the beach views are spectacular. Dusk and early morning walks along the beach are amazing, especially for me living in suburban Sydney.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday time!

Time to go on holidays on the beach at the Gold Coast, QLD. I have visions of doing some writing with a spectacular view from a high-rise apartment overlooking the beach. However, I expect there will be a lot of interruptions and distractions. And a lot of procrastinating! Still it's a holiday and time to spend with family.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

There's an awful lot of competition out there!

I appear to have some minor talents in music, writing, and sport and enjoy all three. Mark Twain said make your vocation your vacation. Good advice - if you can find a way to support a family with this philosophy. I enjoy, and I'm thankful for these talents, however these three are some of the most competitive ways to make a good living in the world. Trouble is I'm not brilliant at any of these - or anything for that matter!

As I'm quite good at Accounting and have been able to make a good living, this used to be satisfactory. However, there now appears to be a significant over-supply of accountants - in Australia at least. Post GFC, the ex-pat professionals have come home and making the job market at the higher levels extremely competitive. One of the good things about accounting was that you could always get a decent job. Now, this has changed for the 1st time I can recall.

Looks like I need to turn one of my minor talents into a major talent ... somehow. Hmmm, write a top selling novel, an Oscar winning film script? Maybe I should just buy lotto tickets!

Anyway, I'm sure I'll work something out as the economy improves and the job market settles down.

Let's hope the house of cards that is the global financial system stays intact for a long time to come!